Daniela receives NI DfE award to contribute to research in ESRC Centre

Daniela Janikova recently received the very good news that she has been awarded a doctoral scholarship from Northern Ireland’s Department for the Economy and her project will contribute to understanding of inclusiveness in trade policy making in the new ESRC Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy.
Daniela has completed both her undergraduate degree in law in 2020 and a masters in International Business law in 2021 at QUB. Daniela has been awarded a doctoral scholarship from Northern Ireland’s Department for the Economy.
This PhD project will analyse the role of subnational entities in shaping international trade negotiations as contemporary trade agreements have the potential to affect not only the policy and regulatory autonomy of states but also that of subnational entities within states.
The doctoral research will make a contribution to political science, international relations and international trade law by providing a comprehensive examination of the role of subnational entities in international trade negotiations. The findings of this research will also make an important contribution to the research and growing debate concerning the role of devolved authorities in UK trade policy.
This project will be supervised by Dr. Viviane Gravey and Dr. Billy Melo Araujo.
Daniela - “I am truly delighted to have been awarded the DfE scholarship to work on this project and grateful to have such a supportive supervisory team!”
Dr Billy Melo Araujo - “We are absolutely delighted to have Daniela on board! Her research stands to make an invaluable contribution in advancing the understanding of inclusiveness in trade policy making.”
Dr Viviane Gravey - “Daniela is the first PhD student from our new ESRC Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy, we look forward to working with her on her project at a time where UK trade policy is in flux.”
We welcome PhD applications from prospective students. Further details on how to apply can be found at https://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofLaw/study/postgraduate-research/