NI Business and Human Rights Index
Project Commenced: |
Project Completion Date: |
Project PI/s
Marisa McVey
Other staff or partners
NI Human Rights Commission
Project Description
This initiative will facilitate a comprehensive assessment of current human rights practices of NI-based businesses. Post-Brexit, NI provides an important context to examine the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), particularly with the recent publication of a specific human rights and public procurement policy for NI (PPN05/21). Consequently, there is a strong appetite for business and human rights and modern slavery guidance, particularly from businesses and government departments. This assessment will consist of a review of publicly available corporate information using the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark to produce the first in-depth analysis of the current implementation of human rights by NI businesses. Until now, there has been no analysis of corporate alignment with the UNGPs in NI, and it is hoped that this report and pilot assessment can provide a robust evidence base on how companies understand and implement human rights policies and practices into their operations. In addition, this report will also highlight where targeted support is needed for small, medium and micro-businesses that make up much of NI’s economy. In the long-term, the partnership between NIHRC and QUB on business and human rights will aim to continue to track the progress of companies, foster constructive dialogue, and facilitate peer learning over the coming years. Finally, the report will provide clarity for policymakers and regulators on future areas of action in relation to business and human rights.
Awarding Bodies
European Network of National Human Rights Institutions