Congratulations to Habeeb Ramos on his Leverhulme Trust (LINAS) success

Habeeb secured a LINAS award to commence a doctorate in January 2024 revolving around machine learning algorithms used by traders and analysing the current market abuse laws.
The research will examine how these algorithms work, how they can be used as tools for market manipulation and how we can effectively regulate whilst encouraging innovation. The complexity and volatility caused by them means it is more important than ever to enact laws that curb unwanted behaviour. This is crucial for the goal of protecting investors, maintaining market stability, promoting fairness and transparency, managing systemic risks, supporting economic growth, and maintaining public confidence.
Habeeb will be supervised by Professor Giancarlo Frosio from the School of Law and Dr Oluwafemi Olukoya from the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Habeeb stated, “I look forward to making a contribution to this field and acquiring the knowledge and skill that this will entail. My supervisory team will provide great insight from the fields of law and computer science, respectively."
Professor Giancarlo Frosio said, “Habeeb's LINAS doctoral project marks a significant step towards understanding and regulating the complex interplay between machine learning algorithms and market laws. This project aims to untangle these complexities to ensure market fairness and stability. I am confident that Habeeb's work will offer valuable insights into balancing innovation with robust regulation, crucial for maintaining investor trust and supporting economic growth. The supervisory team eagerly anticipates the impact this research will have on both academia and the broader financial ecosystem. We look forward to working with Habeeb on this exciting project in the coming years."
We welcome PhD applications from prospective students. Further details on how to apply can be found at